Furthering student engagement through digital tools and project-based assignments
Author: Emily Sherwood
Map of Rochester with various colored data points representing art in the city

Why Digital Projects?

In June, 2020, Digital Scholarship, Learning Initiatives, RBSCP, and Metadata Services worked together to develop and lead a workshop series aimed at helping faculty imagine how to increase student engagement through the use of digital tools and assignments. 

What was covered?

The series had five thematically grouped workshops that included a showcase of assignments, potential tools, and exercises designed to help faculty think about how they might incorporate similar approaches in their classes. They included:

The series culminated in a two-day Digital Project Design and Implementation workshop that helped faculty design, develop, and test-run an assignment for an upcoming course. The website generated for the series includes recordings of each of the workshops, handouts, and other useful resources for working on digital projects.