Sherkeem Duprey

Hi everyone, my name is Sherkeem Duprey. I am a computer science major, class of 2026, and I’m an aspiring software engineer. Outside of school, I love to watch and play basketball, as well as video games.

Richard Chuong

Richard Chuong ’25 is an XR Specialist for Studio X majoring in computer science. He is currently involved as the Logistics Lead for U of R’s annual hackathon, Dandyhacks, and is a chair for the UR Esports Club. His interests revolve around innovating new ways to empower people and enhancing how we experience the world. In his down time, he enjoys intramural sports, trying to learn Spanish, and practicing how to cook. He believes that every person should try durian at least once in their life.

Tamuda Chimhanda

Tamuda is a computer science student from Zimbabwe. He is enthusiastic about AR and VR technology because of the potential it has to transform the way we interact with each other and the environment.

Lavender Chang

Hello! I’m Lavender from Taiwan, currently pursuing my graduate studies in Marketing Analytics at Simon Business School. I have a profound passion for cutting-edge technology and a wealth of experience in digital marketing. I thrive on challenges and approach them with innovative thinking. I’m thrilled to be a part of the marketing team, and I can’t wait to help bring these awesome innovations to a wider audience! 

Libby Braun

Libby Braun ’25 is the UX Designer for Studio X. She is a Digital Media Studies major from Rhode Island. She’s interested in exploring UX Design and having fun in VR! Her hobbies include cooking, reading, and crocheting!

Spencer Ahn

Spencer Ahn ’27 is a political science and environmental science double major. He is from Westchester, NY, and works at Studio X as a marketing assistant. His hobbies include board games, video games, and video editing. He is also a part of the Quiz Bowl club on campus. He is currently living in fear of his first Rochester winter.

Quinby's Gambit, In Review

The Ask the Archivist column in the Fall 2023 Rochester Review could only scratch the surface of Professor Adam Frank's question about who Professor Isaac Quinby was and the many roles he played in Rochester and beyond. You can read the article here.

Below are photographs of Professor Quinby, a selection of reminiscences, and the text of his obituary in the Rochester Morning Herald.

Neilly Author Series: Joy James

Black trans theorist Da’Shaun Harrison used to sign their emails with “Revolutionary Love.” It was a play on “Black Love,” which they understood to convey a commitment to freeing the Black community from oppressive societal conditions and structures. So, this sign-off subtly signaled, “I’m with you.” But Harrison stopped doing this because Revolutionary Love started to mean something deeper, something closer to sacrifice and death.

Manuscripts by Candlelight with the Robbins Library

It’s not every day that you are able to leaf through the pages of a manuscript that was created nearly 500 years ago. However, the Manuscripts by Candlelight event held in The Great Hall of Rush Rhees Library on November 1 changed that--for a magical, one-night experience. The goal was to make samples from the extensive manuscript collection of the Rossell Hope Robbins Library accessible to the wider community.

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