African American History Month is an opportunity to tell stories of the experiences and critical moments in African American history in the United States. Often, we spend this time looking at more prominent and well-known members of society, missing those who are closer to home. Through the Slaughter Collection we have found some of these local figures and community events—which Congresswoman Slaughter nurtured, supported, and helped ignite—that have had a significant impact on the city of Rochester community.
Beverly Huitt
Huitt, pictured to the left with the congresswoman a the Family Fun Fair, is a longtime member of the Sisters for a Better Black Community, a group committed to serving youth and offering a range of services to individuals and families in need.
Gladys Burke

As a teenager, Burke and her family moved to Rochester from Alabama. The Burkes opened a restaurant in 1975 called "Burke's Kitchen," which became "The Kitchen," and when Burke was the owner, "Gladys' Place." Burke, who is known for her love of cooking, retired at 91. She's now 95. The soul food Gladys' Place was known for is still available, only now the restaurant is called "The Sweet Potato Pie Place."
Southwest Area Neighborhood Fair

Events such as this fair helped the Congresswoman to learn about the happenings in her district and her constituents' concerns. Furthermore, these fairs and events helped build community coalitions and strengthen a sense of community among the residents.
You can help honor the congresswoman's legacy, preserve history, and advance learning and scholarship by supporting the work being done to process and prepare this collection. Learn more, and make a gift today.