
We work with faculty, students, academic departments, and offices across the institution to demonstrate and grow the impact of University research. We offer consultations, create custom data products, participate in University-wide projects, and develop our own initiatives to support the research enterprise. 

Information about this Service

Some of the services we offer 

Publication and citation analysis

We gather and analyze publication and citation data to support research evaluation projects. We can help you understand and contextualize your impact at a range of scales: individual, lab, research group, department, school, or institution. We also offer peer benchmarking and network analysis to surface research strengths and potential collaborators.

Altmetrics and Broader Impacts

Engaging in the social web can create more visibility for you and your work. We can help you leverage online communities and alternative metrics to grow the audience for your research and demonstrate the social impact of your work.

National and International Rankings

Many rankings consider publication and citation data in their scoring. We can work with you to unpack ranking methodologies and data sources, and develop strategies to ensure your department, school, or institution’s work is represented accurately and effectively.



Contact information

For more information contact Sarah Pugachev.