Short Description

A creative problem-solving space that is also a program and community, iZone is designed to empower students to explore and imagine ideas for social, cultural, community, and economic impact. iZone offers amphitheater presentation space, collaborative workspaces, consultation and team rooms, exhibition areas, and computer workstations.

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iZone supports students  by partnering with different campus resources such as the Ain Center for Entrepreneurship, Rochester Center for Community Leadership, the Gwen M. Greene Center for Career Education and Connections, and the College of Arts, Science, and Engineering.

In addition, iZone holds multiple programs and workshops where students can acquire skills that will help them with their projects, including design thinking, problem solving, public speaking, and idea pitching, among others.

iZone also connects students with subject matter experts in fields they wish to explore. From business leaders, to community activists, artists, and University of Rochester faculty members, students have a chance to test their ideas with individuals who are excited to share their knowledge and experience.

Annual Report