We offer support in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial data capture and analysis and map making for research and learning in the classroom.


We can help you:

  • Determine the best software solution for your project
  • Integrate mapping exercises into course materials
  • Integrate mapping into digital projects
  • Create workflows for spatial data projects
  • Learn how to collect spatial data in the field
  • Find spatial data for research and mapping
  • Create maps for the web and traditional publications


Here are some digital tools and methods we commonly support.. This list is not meant to be definitive or exhaustive and you can find more information about software and licensing in our "Quick Links" below. 

Software Information
  • ESRI ArcGIS suite, including ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS FieldMaps and StoryMaps
  • Open-source GIS tools, including QGIS, OpenLayers, and Leaflet
  • Borrowable GPS units, including Garmin GLO2 and BadElf GNSS Surveyor


Quick links

These are links to some basic guides to help you in finding GIS software and data including licensing.

Example projects
